Sunday, July 20, 2008

How To Raise Your Shih Tzu Pup

You just brought your new Shih Tzu pup home and now you will spend the next couple of weeks making sure it knows all the rules and that it knows you are the boss, right? Wrong. The Shih Tzu is a very self-assured breed of dog that carries itself in a very confident and regal way. It is a very proud, arrogant, and stubborn pet that will always want things to go their way and could probably care less what you have to say. Ready now?

The first thing you want to do with your new Shih Tzu pup is to let it wander just a little so it knows the house and knows what it will be missing out on when you put it in its pen or crate to housebreak it. Remember that a Shih Tzu does not respond to punishment at all and any punishment can set back the training you've done, pretty much to square one. They respond to praise and positive reinforcement. So if you want them to do something praise and reward them when they do it.
The very first concern of any new Shih Tzu pup owner is housebreaking. This takes months, even in the best conditions, so be prepared and be patient. Find a spot in a room in the house and get the dog a large crate or make a large pen area. Put the dog’s food and bedding in there and play with it while it is in the living area so it feels comfortable there. Then confine it only when you are home.

Every 45 minutes you need to take the dog outside to the designated toilet area and see if it does what it needs to do. If it does its thing in the designated toilet area then praise it profusely. You cannot leave a Shih Tzu caged up for too long or it will start to get confused and anxious and soil its own living area. If that happens you are back to square one so make sure you keep a close eye on your dog while it is in the confinement area.
Grooming and a clean coat are very important to a Shih Tzu pup so be sure to comb or brush the dog’s beautiful coat at least once a day. The dog will probably enjoy this and it will keep the coat from getting tangled. A tangled coat can mean an unhealthy Shih Tzu so make sure you are brushing that coat daily. A monthly bath may not be a bad idea but test your dog’s reaction first. If it seems like the bath will cause problems then contact your breeder for advice.

Your Shih Tzu wants to always be the center of attention so make sure you constantly show it plenty of love and attention and play with your dog a lot. Shih Tzu dogs will require a great deal of your time so be prepared to give up large chunks of your day to paying attention to your dog. But they are also one of the most loyal breeds there is and they return your love right back at you.

You can find helpful information on training Shih Tzu puppies in this article. You can use this article to assist you with Shih Tzu puppy care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a shih tzu named cooper and he is the best dog we have ever owned. Cooper is a very fast learner and adapts to his surrounding very quickly. we were told about crating him and were not to eager to use it, but it worked out. Cooper seemed to like having his own space (crate) when he got scared he would go in there. So it was a great tool.

Shih Tzu Info